Linea de comando -cli- del HMC

commands have --help option and man pages

lssyscfg -r sys -F name                           shows the full name of the managed system (el nombre completo se necesita para los demas comandos)
lssyscfg -r lpar -m -F name                  shows the full name of the lpars of the managed system
lssyscfg -r sys -m -F name,state --header    shows the state of the managed system
lssyscfg -r lpar -m -F name,state --header   shows the state of the lpars of the managed system
lssyscfg -r prof -m aix10-SN0603C6H --filter "lpar_names=aix10" -F name,boot_mode   it will show the boot mode in the profile

lshwres -r mem -m --level sys                shows memory information of the managed system
lshwres -r mem -m --level lpar               shows memory information of lpars of the managed system
lshwres -r proc -m --level sys               shows processor information of the managed system
lshwres -r proc -m --level lpar              shows processor information of lpars of the manage system
lshwres -r io -m --rsubtype slot             shows IO slot information
lshwres -r proc -m --level sys -F installed_sys_proc_units:configurable_sys_proc_units

lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype scsi -m --level lpar               lists scsi devices by LPAR
lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -m --level lpar                lists virt. eth. devices by LPAR
lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -m --level lpar -F lpar_name,port_vlan_id

chsysstate -m -o standby -r sys              power on a system to standby
chsysstate -r sys -m -o off                  normal power off the managed system
chsysstate -r sys -m -o off --immed          fast power off the managed system

chsysstate -m -r lpar -n -o shutdown --restart          it will reboot an lpar with dump
chsysstate -m -r lpar -n -o shutdown --immed --restart  it will reboot an lpar immediately (without dump)
chsysstate -m -r lpar -n -o shutdown --immed            it will shutdown the oprating system
chsysstate -m aix10-SN65158BE -o on -r lpar -n aix10 -f default                     it will activate an lpar

lspartition -dlpar                                            shows dlpar capable partitions (sirve para ver si hay comunicacion que permita operaciones de dynamic lpar)
                                                              (it will show if RMC connection is OK between the HMC and LPAR)

lssysconn -r all                                              to see what IPs are assigned by the HMC
mksysconn -o auto                                             tells HMC to re-discover all servers' IP address

lssvcevents -t console -d 60                                  lists console events in the past 60 days
lssvcevents -t hardware -d 0                                  list serviceable events which occured today

lshmc -V                                                      hmc version
lshmv -v                                                      hmc model
lshmc -n                                                      lists the network settings of the hmc
hmcshutdown -t now -r                                reboot the HMC (-t: timing in minutes, -r: reboot)

vtmenu                                                       hmc menu options (console session can be opened as well) (sirve para abrir consolas a los lpars)
logout: ~~. (2 tilde and a dot)


Default root password: passw0rd (try su -)


opening/closing virtual terminal from hmc:

lssyscfg -r sys -F name                         <--get managed system name
lssyscfg -r lpar -m -F name    <--get lpar name

mkvterm -m -p            <--opens a terminal window
rmvterm -m -p            <--closes a terminal window
